About Us

What is ArchiveCore

ArchiveCore is a free and open-source application that allows you to listen to music and watch videos from the internet. We do not host any audio files or videos on our servers. Instead, we provide links to third-party sources, and as such, we are not responsible for the content, availability, or legality of these files. If you have any concerns about the audio or video content, please contact the respective hosting provider directly.

Who manages ArchiveCore

ArchiveCore is managed by Karibsen Studi* and created by 1kora4real. If you have any questions or concerns about the application, please contact us at contact@archivecore.fr. For complaints about the content of our app, please use this form.

How to support ArchiveCore

ArchiveCore is a free and open-source application, and we rely on donations to keep the project running. If you would like to support us, you can make a donation via Buy Me a Coffee. Your support helps us cover the costs of hosting, development, and maintenance of the application.

How to contribute to ArchiveCore

ArchiveCore is an open-source project, and we welcome contributions from the community. If you would like to contribute to the development of the application, you can find our source code on GitHub. You can also report bugs, suggest new features, or submit pull requests to help improve the application.

How works ArchiveCore

ArchiveCore make a request to a custom API who search the audio on the hosting provider. The API return the audio and the app play it. The app use the same method for the images.